fredag 3. februar 2012

Ny bok

Jeg holder for tiden på med boka: "Wild man, wise man" av Richard Rohr.
Forfatteren er fransiskaner og ordinert som prest i den katolske kirke. Han er også en internasjonalt kjent taler og veileder.

Boka stiller et interessant spørsmål:
Is there such a thing as masculine spirituality?

Rohr skriver:

Why would we bother speaking of a spirituality that is especially masculine or male?
Is there anything to be learned here?
Dont`t we all come to God the same way?
I am convinced that there are different paths because men and women pay attention to different things. Moviemakers know that, book publishers know that, advertisers know that, salespersons know that, almost everybody knows that except the clergy.

The vast majority of people in western civilization  suffer from what I will identify in this book as the "father wound." Those who have this father wound have never been touched by their human father. Either he had no time, no freedom or no need, but the result is children with no masculine energy.
They will lack self-confidence and the ability to do, to carry through, to trust themselves - because they were never trusted by him. They fear and sometimes even hate the masculine side of God, for every understandable reasons. But the loss has been incalculable...
Without facing, feeling and healing this wound, I am sure that most men will continue to live lives of pseudo-masculinity: business and bravado as usual, dishonest power instead of honest powerlessness.

Today, too many of God`s sons are without dignity, self-confidence or true power.

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