lørdag 28. april 2012


People skills

En bok jeg har hentet fram fra bokhylla er : "People skills" av PH.D. Robert Bolton.
Boken er inndelt i fire deler, som:
  1. Introduksjon
  2. Hvordan hevde seg selv
  3. Lytte til andre
  4. Løse konflikter
Her kommer jeg med noen utsagn fra boka:

  • Man`supreme achievement in the world is communication from personality to personality.
  • conversation... is a competitive exercise in which the first person to draw a breath is declared a listener.
  • The whole task of psychotherapy is the task of dealing with a failure in communication.
  • eighty percent of the peoplewho fail at work do so for one reason: they do not relatewell to other people.
  • People need people...You can`t be human alone.
  • Many of us, however, were taught to communicate poorly by well-intentioned people who themselves were taught inadequate ways of relating.
  • the average person... can learn improved ways of communicating.
  • Things do not stay the same.If they dont get better, they get worse.
  • Low-level communication leads to loneliness and distance from friends, lovers, spouses, and children - as well as ineffectiveness at work.

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